Saturday, March 7, 2009


Below are some photos from various episodes along the way:
Gaelen was shot point-blank immediately after this photo was taken.

Getting a little cocky with the color-swap feature on the digicam. We island hopped around El Nido for a day, snorkling and lounging on several beaches.

We met two Americans on vacation from teaching English in a remote city in China. Cammie and Jackie, in the white and blue, respectively. Together we walked the monkey trail and toured the underground river.
An idyllic beach along the monkey trail in Sabang, Palawan.

A full moon rising over Sabang silhouettes a palm tree.

A Filipino high-roller getting a body massage at a cock-fight, just outside of Baguio City.

I was entrusted to care for this chicken during a short banca ride. The men here unconsciously and continuously pet the chickens and roosters while they hold them. It is soothing to watch.

The first of many found ping pong tables. This was also our first adventure fueled by the local Matador brandy, as evidenced by the spill in the backcourt.

The short jeepney ride from Puerto Galera to Sabang was our first experience riding outside of the jeepney.

Two proud young men displaying their tails, at a Igorot wedding.
Ginebra San Miguel, the prefered beverage of the small scale Cordilliera mining communities.

The lime tree outside of our nipa hut at Enca Organic farm. Also, the first successful use of digital macro photography on the trip.

On the way to an 8th birthday party with the Cosalans, our host family at Enca.

Shiosa, the delightful eight year old Cosalan. Slightly crazy, and often seeking sugar at bedtime.


  1. nice experience guys

  2. HAHAHA gaelen on the jeepney ride as a literature professor... black turtleneck and slicked back hair, classic. Great pictures!
